Magenta Ray Mist

Magenta Ray Mist


Released on the Full Harvest Supermoon and partial Lunar Eclipse in September 2024, this powerful spray is related to all things physical body healing.

This high dimensional spray is attuned to the Magenta Ray,  Archangel Metatron, Commander Ashtar, and the Soul Star + Stellar Gateway Chakras.

The energy plant medicines from Marigold, Honeysuckle + Manuka floral waters, combined with Rose Quartz (from Brazil), merge together to form a powerful golden seal of light for body, mind, and spirit.

The frequencies of this spray are purifying, strengthening, and restorative. By simply spraying the mist around the areas of the body that need healing, one can bring in Magenta waves of love, light, and wholeness once more.

Spiritual Applications:

  • Highly attuned + connected to the frequencies of Archangel Metatron and Commander Ashtar

  • Upper chakra healing - Soul Star Chakra + Stellar Gateway Chakra

  • Brings energy healing into the physical pain body – helps with release

  • Can be sprayed on joints (wrists, knees, elbows, ankles, etc.) for energetic relief, helps with arthritis and inflammation in the body

  • Helps bring cellular balancing/healing into the body after invasive surgeries (laser, chemo, radiation)

  • Energetically balances the DNA + RNA in the field

  • Galactic Ray Activation + Healing

  • Brings relief to those who experience chronic pain

  • Helps to shift out of victimhood (why me, what did I do to deserve this) pity party tendencies that can happen to those recovering/living through illness/recovering from surgery. Clears energies of feeling sorry for yourself so that you can remove ego to learn the higher teachings, wisdoms, and understandings of what your illness/pain is trying to teach you

  • Excellent to use in hospital rooms, old age homes, hospices, and anywhere where there are a lot of sickness energies that accumulate

  • Can be sprayed before or after medical appointments to help with anxiety, fear, stress, paranoia

  • Can also be sprayed before going into waiting rooms so that you don’t pick up on energy from anyone else that doesn’t serve your Highest Good

  • Helps those who struggle with physical illness or dis-ease in the body – particularly those who experience loss of motor/muscle control, coordination, speech

  • Physical aches and pains respond energetically to the frequency of the spray to bring in release, comfort, and relief on a cellular level first and then a physical one

  • Excellent tool for caregivers, nurses, PSW workers, doctors, surgeons or anyone in a caretaking role

  • Healers can spray mist on their hand chakras before psychic surgery and energy healing sessions for physical pain body healing

  • Can also be sprayed on hand chakras of surgeons before surgery to connect with their surgeon guide and Archangel Metatron for accurate, clean surgical procedures that are in alignment for the highest level of healing for the patient

  • Can also be sprayed on and around the body before a surgery to set the intention for a smooth surgery and recovery period

  • Helps with worry if you are worried about your health or the health of a loved one – spray around upper chakras

  • Activates inner strength and positive thinking, belief that you will recover/heal

  • Shamanic Healing - Can be sprayed in room before or after someone has passed if they were sick/terminally ill. Releases sickness energy, sets the field so they can fully pass and integrate

  • Helps to release energy cords of attachment and illness in the energy body to facilitate a smoother passing/transition. Purifies the field before it leaves the body

  • Good for hospices as well – the place where the ill person lives before they passed can be sprayed before the next patient comes in to clear the energy

  • Creates a golden seal of light for the body, mind, and spirit

  • “Mirror Energy” – mirrors back to patient (or you, if it’s you) if they project any energies at you out of their own frustration for their condition. Sends it back to them (or you), for reflection + contemplation from a place of love

  • Wound healing, skin rashes/irritations, bone healing, burns – helps to set the intention for healing with all physical ailments and disease

  • Clears the energy of sickness, illness, and replaces it with high dimensional love and understanding

  • Spray on bed where patient (or yourself) is lying while they heal. Spray when you change the bedsheets too – before and after

  • Also good for those who are in a caretaking role to spray in the room/home of person they are taking care of as well as themselves before and after interacting with sick person, so that they don’t absorb any energies that aren’t theirs

  • Helps to release energies of guilt from caregivers for taking time to themselves/not doing everything for the person they are caring for

  • Can aid with energetically stimulating hair growth after chemo/radiation – plants “seeds of light” back into hair follicles, helps to stimulate cellular regrowth and regeneration in the body

  • Connects you to your light body

  • “Honey” element from 3 floral sprays: liquid gold healing frequency that works with Metatron + Magenta Ray for higher frequency energy healing and wholeness

  • Lungs, heart, liver, organ + circulatory system healing, muscle spasms, Parkinson’s

  • Comforting for kids (and adults) for overnight hospital stays

Ingredients: Marigold, Honeysuckle, + Manuka Floral Waters, Rose Quartz

Comes in a 4 oz glass spray bottle with clear overcap.

*NOTE: The Marigold + Honeysuckle components of this spray are NOT animal friendly, so please do not spray it near or on pets.

*The crystal(s) in your spray may look different than the ones in the pictures due to variation in shape, size, and colouration. Spray may contain one larger sized crystal, or two smaller ones.

Shelf life: 12 months

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How to Use:

You can spray above the crown and allow the mist to flow down your body/aura. You can also spray around joints/areas of the body that need physical healing. This spray is ideal for caregivers, energy healers, shamans, and places where there is an accumulation of energies of illness/sickness. Only a couple of sprays is necessary for one use. Keep out of direct sunlight, store at room temperature. Avoid spraying in eyes. The Marigold + Honeysuckle components of this spray are not animal friendly, so please do not spray it near or on pets.

Energetic Properties:

This spray is very powerful. If you are energetically sensitive please use a little bit at a time until you feel ready to use more. You can start by simply holding the bottle in your hands without spraying, as the energy transfer into the hand chakras is just as powerful as spraying.

Disclaimer & Safety Information

If you have any medical conditions we strongly recommend you consult a healthcare professional before using the spray. We cannot recommend that the spray is used in pregnancy. You should also be aware that essential oils should be used with care if you have sensitive skin and sprayed away from eyes and mucous membranes. The spray should never be ingested, and is intended to be used outside of the body/the aura. Always keep out of the reach of children.

You acknowledge that the usage of these products does not make any representations as to the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual benefits or effects that may be derived as a result of usage. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, positive or negative, psychologically or otherwise, through the usage of these products. We also expressly disclaim responsibility in any way for the choices, actions, results, use, misuse or non-use of these products. You agree that your results are strictly your own and we are not liable or responsible in any way for your results.

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