Harmonic Heart Spray

Harmonic Heart Spray


A loving spray that is energetically attuned to all matters of the heart.

The energy plant medicine from Ylang-Ylang, Sandalwood, + Linden Blossom floral waters, combined with Green Aventurine (from Madagascar), blends together to create a harmonious, heart-centred spray.

The energies of this spray are warm, vibrant, and loving. By simply spraying the mist around the aura, one can connect to their heart space, tuning into the frequency of divine love from which we all came.

Spiritual Applications:

  • A powerful heart chakra opener & healer. Embodies all expressions of love – physical, emotional, spiritual, sensual, and sexual.

  • Attuned to help those who are navigating grief, broken hearts, and healing their heart space.

  • Aids with Inner Child Healing, as we heal this through the heart.

  • Harmonizes Divine Masculine + Divine Feminine energies (yin + yang).

  • Helps with ancestral heart, lineage, + family tree healing. Connects one to the roots of the family tree through the heart, energetically removing dead branches (patterns, beliefs that are no longer serving) and allowing space seedlings of new, more aligned energies to grow for this generation and the new generations to come.

  • Calming to those who feel afraid/anxious by helping to bring in frequencies of comfort, calm, and love (excellent for energetically sensitive children).

  • Connects with the Unicorn Realms, Angelic Realms, Cherubs, Mother Gaia’s Heart Chakra, the Emerald Ray & the energies of Archangel Gabriel.

  • Brings light and love into spaces of darkness and heaviness. We do this by connecting to our hearts to “feel it to heal it”, so that we can transmute it and move forward on our journey.

  • Helps to bring in healing for balancing emotions, and bringing them into equilibrium if the energy is not centered.

  • Useful for yoga teachers teaching flows with heart opening poses.

  • Lovely for spiritual ceremonies or classes - helps to attune and drop everyone into the frequency of love (their heart space), so that they can be open to receive the teachings and wisdoms that the session has to offer (solo or in a group).

  • Valuable tool for mediumship that can help the medium to drop into the heart space and facilitate readings from there. A wonderful addition to a medium’s practice, or to those who are learning/practicing the art of mediumship. Spray before and after sessions.

  • Connects with energies of hope, light, faith, perseverance, & divine love. Divine love of the self & others.

  • Supports one during times of grief by bringing in frequencies of acceptance around endings, gratitude for the lessons, & hope for the future.

  • Harmonizes the pain body by bringing to the surface what needs to be cleared, healed, + balanced for matters of the heart.

  • Can help to call in an aligned, divine partnership if that is what one desires and what is in alignment. Beneficial for calling in romantic love.

  • Calls in clarity for matters of the heart.

  • Healing for those who are self-critical + hard on themselves. Allows them to connect to their heart space so that they can feel/see how truly loved they are.

  • Can be used as a portal to the sacral & sensual realms. Helps to connect one to their sensual side, and brings in flow for the heart and lower chakras. Can be sprayed on the bed before being intimate with a partner or yourself.

Ingredients: Ylang-Ylang, Sandalwood, + Linden Blossom Floral Waters, Green Aventurine*

Comes in a 4 oz glass spray bottle with clear overcap.

*The crystal(s) in your spray may look different than the ones in the pictures due to variation in shape, size, and colouration. Spray may contain one larger sized crystal, or two smaller ones.

*NOTE: The Ylang-Ylang component of this spray is NOT animal friendly, so please do not spray it near or on pets.

Shelf life: 12 months

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How to Use:

You can spray above the crown and allow the mist to flow down your body/aura. You can also spray in front of you and walk through the mist, allowing your heart space to lead the way. Only a couple of sprays is necessary for one use. Keep out of direct sunlight, store at room temperature. Note: The Ylang-Ylang component of this spray is not animal friendly, so please do not spray it near or on pets.

Energetic Properties:

This spray is very powerful. If you are energetically sensitive please use a little bit at a time until you feel ready to use more. You can start by simply holding the bottle in your hands without spraying, as the energy transfer into the hand chakras is just as powerful as spraying.

Disclaimer & Safety Information

If you have any medical conditions we strongly recommend you consult a healthcare professional before using the spray. We cannot recommend that the spray is used in pregnancy. You should also be aware that essential oils should be used with care if you have sensitive skin and sprayed away from eyes and mucous membranes. The spray should never be ingested, and is intended to be used outside of the body/the aura. Always keep out of the reach of children.

You acknowledge that the usage of these products does not make any representations as to the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual benefits or effects that may be derived as a result of usage. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, positive or negative, psychologically or otherwise, through the usage of these products. We also expressly disclaim responsibility in any way for the choices, actions, results, use, misuse or non-use of these products. You agree that your results are strictly your own and we are not liable or responsible in any way for your results.

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