Blue Ray Mist

Blue Ray Mist


A tranquil spray that is focused on throat chakra healing, self-expression & the voice.

The energy plant medicine from Blue Grass (African), Jasmine, & Lily floral waters, combined with aquamarine crystal(s) (Brazil), blends together to create a tranquil energy mist. This spray is highly attuned and connected to the Blue Ray, Water Elementals, Archangel Ariel, and the throat chakra. 

The frequencies of this spray are fluid, cosmic, and balancing. By simply spraying the mist around the aura, one can tune into their throat chakra, tuning into vibrations of conscious communication and courage to speak your truth.

Spiritual Applications:

  • Aids with healing, balancing, and clearing energy blockages in the throat chakra.

  • Brings balance to a closed or blocked throat chakra by helping one to step into the vibration of speaking their truth, especially if there are difficulties with setting boundaries/speaking up for oneself.

  • Soothes an overactive throat chakra, connecting one with the frequency of kindness and speaking our truth from the heart space. Promotes presence and awareness around our vocabulary and the words we choose to speak – both to/about oneself and others. Invites one to reflect on if what they are about to say is in alignment for the highest good of all. If it is not, does it need to be said, or is there a more aligned way to speak it?

  • Energetically recalibrates and brings balance to lymph nodes, vocal cords, and thyroid area (communicates with and harmonizes the cells on an energetic level).

  • Connection with the water elementals, and their lessons and teachings – to surrender to the flow and changing tides of life with ease and grace.

  • Connects with the animal and mermaid realms, & Atlantis energies.

  • Helps to energetically connect to your crystalline blue print & essence.

  • Brings in energy flow where there are energetic blockages and difficulties letting go.

  • Clears/balances ear chakras, for communication is a 2-way street and we cannot authentically speak our truth if we are not also authentically and consciously listening to others and ourselves. Conscious communication is only possible with conscious, authentic listening. Energetically clears the ear chakras of any blockages, perceptions, and noise (internal or external thought patterns/beliefs/opinions) that prevents us from truly listening to and receiving what is being communicated.

  • Connected to the Blue Ray (Cosmic Ray for Universal Healing). The Blue Ray is
    connected to:
    - DNA Healing Codes + Frequencies
    - Cellular level healing (communicates with the water in the cells of the body and helps to shift them into a higher frequency/state of being/flow)
    - Galactic vibrations, communication with star beings in the Cosmos

  • Wonderful for those who use their voice a lot, or who struggle with presenting/speeches (public speakers, teachers, actors, singers, etc.). Spray yourself before public speaking/teaching/performing, and set the intention to help your words be aligned for the Highest Good of all, and to communicate in a way that the people listening can understand. You can ask for help to speak your truth from your divine centre point with confidence, clarity, and calmness.

  • Supports those who are in transitional periods of life by bringing in energies of acceptance, surrender, and flow. “Go with the flow” is the mantra of this spray.

  • Inspires communication in a different way/frequency if we have trouble communicating or relating to others. Can help you to work through the fear of not being heard or being misunderstood.

  • Helps to bring clarity to difficult conversations and miscommunications. Can be sprayed on yourself/other person, in the room, or around your phone, before a conversation to set the intention for loving, conscious communication and clarity. Free will from all parties determines how the conversation will go, but by setting the space and intention, we allow for the potential of an aligned conversation to come through. Also, connects with energies of acceptance and letting go if we cannot connect or meet with someone on the same level no matter how much we try to communicate.

  • Connects with frequencies of self-confidence and self-worthiness (solar plexus + heart), so that you can start speaking (throat) with more clarity about what you want in life whether it’s your path/direction, relationship, career, etc.

  • Can help you to speak up about your needs in relationships in an aligned way.

  • Energetically filters out unnecessary communications (external & internal – beliefs we have told ourselves or comments that others have made) that block you from living in alignment with your soul purpose and truth.

  • Assists energy healers and readers during readings to help them communicate in a way that the client understands. Powerful tool for those who facilitate animal communication & healing (Archangel Ariel frequencies). Can also help those who channel by writing by allowing the information to come through with ease, grace and clarity.

  • Useful for writers experiencing writer’s block – writing is another form of communication and this spray helps to bring energetic flow to blockages in this area as well.

  • Attuned to help those who express themselves artistically, and can energetically help inspiration to flow so that divine art can be created and expressed (any form of art – music, painting, theatre, writing etc.).

Ingredients: Blue Grass, Jasmine, + Lily Floral Waters, Aquamarine*

Comes in a 4 oz glass spray bottle with clear overcap.

*NOTE: The Lily component of this spray is NOT animal friendly, so please do not spray it near or on pets.

*The crystal(s) in your spray may look different than the ones in the pictures due to variation in shape, size, and colouration. Spray may contain one larger sized crystal, or two smaller ones.

Shelf life: 12 months

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How to Use:

You can spray above the crown and allow the mist to flow down your body/aura, or spray in front of you and walk through the mist. You can also spray the mist in front of and around the throat/chest area. Only a couple of sprays is necessary for one use. Note: The Lily component of this spray is not animal friendly, so please do not spray it near or on pets.

Energetic Properties:

This spray is very powerful. If you are energetically sensitive please use a little bit at a time until you feel ready to use more. You can start by simply holding the bottle in your hands without spraying, as the energy transfer into the hand chakras is just as powerful as spraying.

Disclaimer & Safety Information

If you have any medical conditions we strongly recommend you consult a healthcare professional before using the spray. We cannot recommend that the spray is used in pregnancy. You should also be aware that essential oils should be used with care if you have sensitive skin and sprayed away from eyes and mucous membranes. The spray should never be ingested, and is intended to be used outside of the body/the aura. Always keep out of the reach of children.

You acknowledge that the usage of these products does not make any representations as to the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual benefits or effects that may be derived as a result of usage. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, positive or negative, psychologically or otherwise, through the usage of these products. We also expressly disclaim responsibility in any way for the choices, actions, results, use, misuse or non-use of these products. You agree that your results are strictly your own and we are not liable or responsible in any way for your results.

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