Indigo Children

What are they?

Indigo children are souls with intense warrior spirits. They are the first of the advanced souls to lay foot here. They broke down barriers/systems that needed to collapse and paved the way for the future generations of crystal and rainbow children to do their work.

They have a wise understanding of humanity and have extremely accurate judges of character. They strongly protest injustice, and can become bored or restless easily. They dislike rules and question authority - that is part of what they are here to do.

Indigos are highly intuitive, independent from a young age, can have little patience, and have strong leadership capabilities.

Indigo Children Diet

What can they eat?

Indigo children have a lot of Agni (an Ayurvedic term for inner fire), so they do best eating cooling foods that help to balance this.

Cooling foods like strawberries, cucumbers, avocados, apples, potatoes, oats, barley, lentils, chickpeas, etc. will work well for the indigo child.

Indigo children should avoid sugar, chocolate (unless high quality dark chocolate), caffeinated sodas, food dyes, artificial sweeteners and carob gum. These dietary stimulants interrupt their sleep patterns.

Recipes for Indigo Souls

Click here for a mini recipe booklet with easy recipes suitable for indigo souls!

Check out @crystalnutrition for Indigo children recipes!