PLEASE READ: The self-healing eBooks (Dancing with Your Shadow & The ABC’s of Healing) are only available until June 1st, 2023. After that, they will be removed from the digital platform as the yearly subscription has become much too costly for me to continue to pay. To offset this inconvenience, I am offering both eBooks for 50% off, so that you may work with the contents of both eBooks until June. I am currently exploring different platform options to feature the eBooks, but until I find one this is the current update. Thank you for understanding.


What is this?

The ABC’s of Healing is an interactive eBook that provides you with spiritual tools to assist you on your inner child healing journey. With this eBook you will learn how to heal the mother wound, father wound, sibling wound(s), addiction/shame wounds, and more. All journal prompts, information, and guided meditations have been intuitively channelled by Sarah during her own personal inner child healing journey. She wrote down everything that she did, and alchemized it into this energetic eBook for others to use on their own inner child healing journey.

How do I access the eBook?

Once you purchase the eBook, you will be sent an activation email to set up a password. From there, you can click on the link for the eBook that will open in your internet browser. Use your email and password to gain access to the eBook.